2012-08-29 - Idylwood Loop

^z 20th July 2023 at 9:50pm

~4.4 miles @ ~9.3 min/mi

The Runens iPhone app loses my data one time too many a few days ago. Today I try Runkeeper. It seems to work nicely, and the trackfile display has an attractive map, elevation/pace chart, etc. Further experiments to follow. It's a cool Wednesday morning so I borrow Paulette's car and arrive at the office an hour early. Change at the gym, then stand around at the loading dock until the Garmin GPS gets a satellite lock. A fitness coach is arranging weights, balls, elastic bands, and other props on the basketball court for a 6:30am class as I begin the big loop around the Pimmit Hills neighborhood. Grass is dewy and moistens my shoes where sidewalks are missing on the shoulder of the road. I follow the same route as on 2011-10-07 - Scott Run, Pimmit View, Griffith, Lemon Road Parks & 2011-10-24 - Pimmit Hills Loop with Sara & 2011-12-06 - Lemon Road Park Loop but a bit slower, with mile splits 9:32 + 9:07 + 9:36 + 8:52 + and a final almost-half-mile at 8:23 min/mi according to the wrist GPS unit. As I stand panting at the end near the loading dock my boss comes by and congratulates me for getting out to run so early.

^z - 2012-09-13